
“I believe the most powerful life tool I can give my patients is help them get a consistent good night’s rest.”

Dr. Carol is a board-certified physician in pulmonary, critical care, internal medicine, and sleep medicine. She is most passionate about sleep medicine because she has witnessed the life-transforming power of a good night’s rest in the many patients who have come under her care.

She was the medical director at Hunterdon Medical Sleep Disorders Center in Flemington, New Jersey from 2016-2020. She is a reviewer for the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. She is a consultant to the Northern Vermont Sleep Disorders Center.

B.Hai Sleep Health is named for Dr. Carol’s daughter, Bee Hai, a gesture that represents our next generation. Dr. Carol believes that sleep is essential starting at a young age. Better sleep means better physical and emotional health which are important for healthy relationships at home and at work. The benefits of good sleep stream


Dr. Carol has worked in both private practice and in hospital settings, treating patients with sleep apnea who required CPAP solutions and the like. While sleep apnea is a serious condition, one that increasingly becomes a concern as the population ages, there are many aspects related to our 24/7 lifestyle today that adversely affect sleep. These issues affect patients of all ages and Dr. Carol thought how she can do more to help.

Today, Dr. Carol helps patients by making professional sleep advice more accessible and personal through her telehealth practice. Dr. Carol meets 1:1 through electronic platforms that adhere to HIPAA standards.